Feranndo Boi BJJ Seminar - 28/02/2025 | Aorta TC

Aorta Training Center


Feranndo Boi BJJ Seminar

| From 19:00 to 21:00


One of the best heavyweight grapplers of his generation, Fernando “Boi” Marques is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Master André Pederneiras and a former BJJ World Champion (2001). Fernando Boi is also an accomplished freestyle and Greco Roman wrestler, having won national titles and been a part of the Brazilian national wrestling squad for the Pan Americans.


Date :
Friday 28 february 2025
19:00 - 21:00

Pre-registration :
Aorta Members : 20€
Non Aorta Members : 30€
At the door: 40€

Place :
Aorta Training Center
40 rue de la Luzerne
1030 Schaerbeek

This event is related to the class of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Registration to the event

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Registration deadline : 28/02/2025

Feranndo Boi BJJ Seminar

Aorta TC reserves the right to cancel the event if there are not enough registrations.

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